dear everyone
I am here to give you two news
at the end of this school year and the students were ready to leave (I know it is kinda old news )
news one, the students recieved a cultural package from Australia and they send one to them, mine is as usual, full of Omani stuff and we were proud to see them display in their classroom
this is what their teacher had to say
Dear Asma and students,We were delighted with your parcel. In the photos you can see studentssetting up a display in their classroom.We have a map & copies of the photos you sent to add to the display.Parents will see the display next week when they come in to talk to theirclassroom teacher about their child's report card.Students want to continue their friendship by writing letters to yourstudents, especially the girls in these photos.I have found an iEARN partner in Indonesia, Saara, a very keen youngeducator teaches in an Islamic school outside of Jakarta.Saara teaches English too. As an Indonesian language teacher, I will needto devote my classroom time to projects with Saara now.
We hope that our students can collaborate over the internet on projects.Saara is keen for her colleagues to join in too.I am really thankful Saara is in an Islamic school! I hope we can build astrong friendship and get to know and understand each others culture.Thank-you Asma for our project. Some students will write letters abouttheir everyday life to post to your students before the end of this calendaryear.
Kind Regards
Sue Foly